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Join us on February 15th for our first webinar of 2024, Employer Data, Employee Impact, to learn about the NOD Employment Tracker™ and free NEW Employee Engagement Survey!

An essential component of including people with disabilities in the workforce is embracing accessibility. A key for companies is understanding what they are doing well in this area and where they need to make improvements. The NOD Employment Tracker and the Engagement Survey allow them to gather this information. We look at one corporation’s example and how it is instructional for all companies wanting to reach workplace inclusion.

The Tracker has become an important tool for many corporations since its inception 12 years ago. Over 500 companies with aggregate workforces of 15 million have submitted the survey to NOD. Wanting to always stay current on corporate needs, the latest NOD addition to the survey has been adding questions about mental health in the workforce.

The Engagement Survey is part of NOD’s next phase towards its mission to help corporations with their disability hiring and retention by seeking and evaluating data from employees about their collective experience and perceptions around disability inclusion in the workforce. The first Engagement Survey is open to 30 employers through May 2024, and employer-specific results will be shared within a month of the survey closing. More information about the survey and how to register to participate will be shared.


  • Felicia Nurmsen, Managing Director, Employer Services, NOD
  • Josef Pevsner, Senior Manager, Research & Innovation Programs, NOD
  • Douglas Kruse, Distinguished Professor, Human Resource Management (HRM), Labor Studies and Employment Relations (LSER), Director, Program for Disability Research, Rutgers University
  • Abree L. Ramirez SHRM-CP, Compliance & Diversity Manager, Randstad Sourceright

Accessibility: Captions and ASL Sign Language Interpreter will be provided.

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